Tag Archives: Fussyeater

The Drama of a Fussy Eater: kuch to khalo!!

The day I conceived, the mission to feed was on. In all those 9 months I ate, ate and ate to feed my little soul for his growth, for his nourishment. The day he was born, well I lost all the control to feed him { you see, he was blessed with super power to spill the food, to puke, to not open mouth when Mummy is feeding }. As he grew, the worried mommy in me realized it’s a universal problem. And then to add spices to my worries was concerned people around me.Oh ho!! I am talking about that social breed called relatives and neighbors , who never fail to make me realize such a kamzoor bachha my boy is and how he looks half his age .( wait ,wait they are not talking about the glow but the way he grow , how a 7 yrs old looks 5 ).And if all this was not enough, there was my  taurean husband  adding fuel to the fire, calculating his protein intake ,carbs , fat, calories , nutrition. All this while I kept cooking and calculating and putting up weight. Because you know, how much food you will waste, koyi to khayega and that without a guess is Mommy dear.

Soon, I was struggling to loose weight and at the same time the mommy in me was struggling to increase the weight of my boy. { what an Irony!!}. I read so many tips and tricks on internet, played his favorite cartoon while feeding him, took him on rides to feed him. But nothing worked for long. Well, that was past. Now I just cook everyday food with a twist of course ensuring it has right amount of nutrients required. Along with place value I worked on face value too, Presentation, you see.  In an attempt to make my fussyeater eat all that is served, I started playing with all that I cook . The lazy girl in me is becoming a creative mommy ,you see 👀👁️. A little here & there makes all the difference. The otherwise boring omelette can get interesting with googly eyes  twist and yes that boring pancakes akka apna desi chilla can taste and look interesting too.

So, here I am sharing  my few experiments:


The little heart poori for my little sweetheart



An Omelette that Peeps



A twist to pancakes,Our very own ‘Moong Dal Chilla’


insta sprout

Make Sprouts little Presentable


So, how do you make your fussy eater eat? Looking forward for your tips & tricks.


P.S. : Your feedback work as a fuel to my writing ,so keep pouring your comments.